Government Subsidy CHAS

About CHAS

The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care* at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics.

For patients with chronic conditions, CHAS complements the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP), which allows for MediSave to be used for outpatient treatment (for the same set of chronic conditions) covered under CHAS. Besides enjoying CHAS subsidies for the treatment of their chronic conditions, patients can also tap on their MediSave to defray part of the cost of these treatments. Please click here for more information.

Patients who seek treatment for their chronic conditions at CHAS GP clinics can also receive subsidised rates for healthcare services such as Diabetic Foot Screening (DFS), Diabetic Retinal Photography (DRP) and nurse counselling at Community Health Centres (CHCs) and Primary Care Network (PCN) clinics. Please click here to learn more.

Patients are encouraged to check with their doctor or dentist on the likely fees that they will be charged prior to consultation as the treatment might vary according to each patient’s condition. More details on the CHAS subsidy rates are available here.


*Only for CHAS Blue, CHAS Orange, MG and PG cardholders 


All Singapore Citizens are eligible for CHAS. The CHAS benefits will be tiered according to household monthly income per person or the Annual Value (AV) of the home, as indicated in the table below:

To receive treatment with CHAS

All participating CHAS GPs and dental clinics will display the CHAS stickers. You can visit any participating CHAS clinic of your choice, although you are recommended to visit the same family doctor each time you are unwell for better care management. Please call your preferred clinic for details on the range of services available. You may use the clinic locator to find the nearest clinic to you.
To receive subsidies for your treatment at the CHAS clinic, please produce your valid CHAS, MG or PG card and NRIC during the visit. We also encourage clinics to check with their patients on their CHAS/MG/PG/PA status at the point of registration. CHAS cardholders below 15 years old will have to present their valid CHAS card with student ID or birth certificate.
You may log in to MyCHAS using your SingPass to check the amount of subsidies and claim limits you have left for the calendar year. Alternatively, you may call the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427.

Public Assistance card (PA) cardholders

Singapore Citizens who are on ComCare Long-Term Assistance, also known as Public Assistance (PA), will receive full subsidies for the treatment of conditions covered under CHAS. However, limits on the number of visits and/or types of treatment covered are still applicable for PA cardholders.
To receive subsidies at participating CHAS GPs and dental clinics, Singapore Citizens on PA will need to produce their PA card and NRIC during the visit. We also encourage clinics to check with their patients on their CHAS/MG/PG/PA status at the point of registration.

Primary Care Network (PCN) clinics

The Primary Care Network (PCN) refers to a network of GPs supported by nurses and care coordinators who aim to provide holistic and coordinated care for patients with chronic conditions.
This team-based care approach ensures patients are better cared for in the community. Nurses will assist to advise patients on the management of their chronic conditions and lifestyle modifications, while care coordinators will monitor the care plan for patients, e.g. to ensure that patient with diabetes are being scheduled for appropriate follow ups for DFS and DRP.

All of us can now apply for CHAS!

If you are a Singapore citizen aged 21 and above, simply log in to our online application system using Singpass and submit an application for yourself and your loved ones at home.